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[Free!] [SouRinWeek] Day 1: Our Firsts

[Free!] [SouRinWeek] Day 1: Our Firsts

Idea + Beta: Anna Potter 

Prompt: Day 1 [ROCK] / Firsts

Rating: T

Warning: written during Ghibli film feels, also implied sexual content and crappy making out scene at the end.

Summary: Sousuke and Rin’s firsts together and the fun of rock-paper-scissors.


It was (obviously) the day they first met when the boys had their first fight.

"No more fighting, you boys."

"Yes, Miss. We’re sorry."

It was never supposed to be like this, to be honest. To Matsuoka Rin, Yamazaki Sousuke looked just as well-built as a professional swimmer. The redhead would have been really content if the raven-haired had agreed to join the swim club; but much to Rin’s disappointment, Sousuke only replied with a brusque “no”.

The fussing began just like that.

"I told you you would look good in water!"

"No way in hell! There is NO WAY I would jump into the pool and drown myself."

"What did you say?"

"I told you, I CAN’T SWIM!"



The two boys were yelling and even hitting each other for what seemed like forever until the teachers finally arrived and put a stop to this so-called ‘nonsense’ quarrel. By the time the adults arrived, they’d already covered themselves in bites and bruises, and Rin even got himself several droplets of tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

"If he hadn’t pestered me first, I wouldn’t have hit him, Miss," Sousuke then said quietly.

"I told you, I know you would learn how to swim soon!" Rin replied with a loud, cracked voice, which Sousuke took offence while feeling a bit guilty when catching a glimpse of those tearful ruby eyes.

The teacher only sighed.

"How about next time you two ever quarrel, compromise it with a game of rock-paper-scissors instead?"

"Yes, Miss," The two bowed their heads.

The teacher smiled tenderly, “Good. Any questions?”

"No, Miss."


As soon as the teacher left, the boys clenched their fists tightly.

"Okay, Yamazaki. If I win, you go join the swim club. If you win, I won’t ask you about it ever again. Got it?"

"Fine with me," Sousuke made a cold face. "Rock…"



The two held out their hands. Apparently Rin went with the rock while Sousuke ended up with the scissors; victory was in Rin’s hands. The redhead gave his new (so-called) frienda toothy grin after congratulating himself with a loud “Hooray!” and said, “You’ll see, Yamazaki, you WILL be the perfect swimmer. And I’m here to make sure of that.”

Still, even though he was taught to swim by the redhead, even though he came round to accepting the essence of water and swam beautifully like the other boy had foretold, Sousuke never came round to liking Rin for just a bit that year. To him, the other was still just an obnoxious little kid with a loud mouth that didn’t know when and where he should keep his voice down and be quiet.



It took the boys a year later to finally become friends.

Well, almost.

After their brief training at Sano SC, where Rin had recently set himself a new record at freestyle while Sousuke at butterfly, the two boys headed off for the nearest convenient store they knew.

"Hey Yamazaki," Rin greeted.

"Matsuoka," Sousuke just nodded.

"What’cha buyin’?"


"Me too. What a coincidence, don’t you think?"


They both turned their heads to the freezer, only to find only one bottle of coke left.

"Aw man!" Rin let out a whine.

"I’m not surprised," Sousuke said bluntly. "It’s summer, it’s hot, everyone wants some cool coke to rid themselves off their thirst."

The two boys looked at each other, teal as calm but dangerous as the water deep down the ocean, ruby burning with passion similar to that of wildfire.




Rock versus paper; Rin won again this time. Sousuke sadly pouted as Rin happily took the bottle and ran quickly to the cashier as if he feared of anyone taking it. After he paid for the drink, Rin turned to the sullen raven-haired boy and held the coke close to the other’s cheek.

"Want some? I don’t mind if we share."

"If you want it so bad, why don’t you have the whole helping to yourself?" Sousuke blurted out.

"Aw, it’s always more fun to share," Rin smiled his widest megawatt smile. "There’s only you around here so I’ll share my treat with you instead!"


"Aw come on, don’t be so dull."

And that was how they’d finally became friends. The best of friends to be exact.



Several months later…

"Sou, check this out!" Rin beamed happily while tugging at his best friend’s T-shirt.

"Woah, the fireworks festival is finally coming!" Sou exclaimed with a bright smile on his face. After all, they’ve been looking forward to the festival for weeks now. "You coming, Rin?"

"Yeah, I’ll definitely ask Mum about that. And I’ll ask Gou if she wants to join us, too!"

The next evening, Rin and Sousuke had already met in front of the temple gate. Gou, unfortunately, was unable to join them due to influenza. However, that didn’t spoil the two boys’ fun for long. They had all the joyful time to themselves, playing and hanging around throughout the festival to their hearts’ content, laughing happily.

Rin was especially good at shooting, another talent of his besides swimming and learning foreign languages, while Sousuke aced in every arcade game they played. In just a nick of time, both had earned themselves enough points to choose a plush toy as a reward.

"I want the shark plushie over there." Excitement filled Rin’s tone as he pointed at a fluffy red shark plush toy hooked by the tail in the front row.

"Why don’t you get the whale shark? It’s cuter." Sousuke pouted in disdain, head jerking toward the last huge deep blue whale shark plush toy in one of the baskets.

"Well, I’d get you a whale shark plushie if we had enough points for two."

"But the festival’s almost over…" Sousuke let out a small sigh, followed by Rin’s quiet whine.

"Alright, let’s settle this like we always do, okay?" The redhead gave his friend a thumbs up. Sousuke replied with an uncertain look, but it quickly turned into a bright smile. “Sure.”




Rock versus scissors. This time, the dark-haired won. Rin just gave out a crooked grin, trying to act natural, but the concealed disappointment in his watery eyes was way too obvious to Sousuke.

"Rin…" He looped his arm around the other’s back, petting him slightly. "We’ll have another round, okay? Don’t cry."

"I’m not crying! And it won’t make any difference, Sou!" Rin wailed, "You win, you get to choose."

"What if it would?" Sousuke smiled, looking into his friend’s bright crimson eyes. "Come on, just one more round."

"O-okay," Rin sniffled. "Rock…"



"Yay!" Rin was jumping and prancing as if he’d just won the lottery. Paper versus scissors, of course he’d won. Sousuke couldn’t care less, he was too relieved to see Rin’s teary smile again.

But then the redhead ran to the counter and took the whale shark plush toy instead.

"Eh? I thought you preferred the shark one?" Sousuke asked, a bit curious.

"You’re right, Sou. This one’s way cuter," Rin smiled sheepishly. "Plus, it pretty much reminds me of you. I want to be by your side no matter what happens, so this will help me stick to you if we’re ever apart."

"Too corny, don’t you think?,” Sousuke snickered.“But then again, you’re always a romanticist."

"Shut up!" Rin elbowed his friend’s arm, and the dark-haired couldn’t help but laugh.

The plush toy was a precious object to Rin, so precious that he even brought the old worn toy with him in his journey to Australia. It was so precious that he kept it until he attended high school, until it became unusable and he was forced to leave it at home to make room for his tiny dorm at Samezuka.



"Sou, you’ll forgive me for leaving you behind right?" Rin lowered his head and sobbed, unable to look his friend in the eyes. "I’ve got to do this. For Pops. For his dream. And mine as well. That’s why I’m moving."

Teal eyes tenderly looked at the shorter boy in front of him. Sousuke rubbed Rin’s back, hoping to calm him somehow. “I understand, Rin. I understand everything. You dream of the world stage, like your father used to do.” Sousuke was a bit down to see his best friend leave him behind like this, but then again, maybe Rin just made this decision purely on impulse.

He still had one week until Rin left Sano after all.

However, the two didn’t make much conversation for the following days. Rin was about to leave and they still haven’t anything interesting enough to talk about. They walked home together, helped each other in homework like they always did and had sleepovers, but didn’t say anything much. Both wanted to evade the problem in question, and it saddened Sousuke when he thought this could have been the last time he saw Rin’s wonderful smile again.

The day had come when Rin had to bid his final farewell to his classmates.But Sousuke was nowhere to be found that morning, and there was still no trace of the raven when Rin had to leave for the train station.

Why didn’t Sou come? he asked himself, Is he still mad at me for leaving? He said he understood why I have to leave, still I feel guilty…


There came Sousuke, panting, heavily with messy raven hair and tired teal eyes turning red.

"What are you doing here? And where were you? You didn’t come to class and I was –"

"I… uhm… I was sick," Sousuke averted his eyes from Rin’s acuteruby ones,“And when I arrived at school our classmates said you’d gone so I ran here and…”

"You were… sick.” Rin looked askance at his friend. Liar. You probably cried your eyes out until you fell asleep last night.

“I have one request for you.” Sousuke stood up straight, his voice suddenly turning serious.

"Huh?" Rin spat, lifting an eyebrow.

"Rock, paper, scissors. If you win, you get to leave. If you lose, stay here with me." Teal eyes locked with ruby as the raven-haired said, more determined than pleading.

Rin let out a sad muffled laugh, “It doesn’t make any difference, you idiot. I’ll leave anyway.”

"Please, just this once." Sousuke’s tone became softer, insistent.

It seemed like forever until Rin finally let out a dry chuckle, “You’re insane, Yamazaki,” The redhead rolled his eyes, trying to hide the tears slowly building up at the corner.




Rock versus paper.

Rin won.

"See, Sou? It wouldn’t make any difference." Rin eventually spoke, voice cracking. Leaving Sousuke behind to get closer to his dream was painful enough; saying goodbye to him like this just made matters worse. The redhead didn’t realize he was crying until he felt his friend’s fingers gently stroking his cheek, wiping the droplets away.

The bell rang, and Rin quickly climbed up on the train, not wanting to be left behind.

Sousuke stood, stiff as a statue, his gaze directed to the flaming red hair as the train slowly left the station. The thought they would never see each other again engulfed his mind, and the young raven-haired boyfelt his chest tightened and hot tears streaming down his eyes.



"Can’t believe it’s been five years already," Rin gave Sousukea joyful beam after their fist-bump.

"Yeah. I missed you a lot," Sousuke smiled contently. " How’s Gou doing?"

"She’s fine. She’s the manager for Iwatobi High’s swim club now."

"Oh? I thought she didn’t know how to swim," Sousuke asked and raised his eyebrow.

"She doesn’t," the redhead laughed. "But managing those dorksdoesn’t require knowing how to swim."

The pair looked at their newly arranged dorm. “So, welcome to Samezuka Academy. I bet you’ll love it here.”

"Thanks. It’s good enough just to see you here."

Since the redhead stopped sending letters home after his first year in Australia, the two boys had a lot to talk about. They told each other their stories during the four years they’d lost touch, about their schoolwork, social life and training progress. Rin was overjoyed to hear than his best friend was finally scouted to a good university and was able to continue his swimming professionally in the future. Sousuke was also glad that his best friend became a valedictorian in his class and was appointed the new Captain of the school’s swim club once the old one, Mikoshiba Seijuurou, had retired and graduated from high school.

It was almost midnight when the teens finished unpacking and reminiscing about their childhood.

"Remember the time when I used to beat you at rock-paper-scissors?"

"Please Rin, I was only conceding you," Sousuke mocked sardonically and smirked.

"Four or five times in a row?" The redhead chuckled, "Ha, no way. I won fair and square."

"Alright, I give up," Sousuke sighed. "Let’s get to sleep. We might have a long day tomorrow."

The two turned to their bed as they both realized something.

“Wait, who’s taking the bottom bunk again?” The maroon-haired spoke, chary.

“Oh yeah, we didn’t get to finish the game earlier,” agreed the other one.

“So…” The redhead immediately glared at his roommate, ruby struck teal with anger so fierce that Sousuke was taken aback. However, mere moments later, teal eyes gained their consciousness, and Sousuke found himself staring with the same fire as his opponent’s.

"Just as I though…"

"Alright, let us settle this like true men."




Paper versus scissors.

"Looks like I’ve won this battle," Sousuke smirked while Rin looked sullen, lips pursed, eyebrows frowned, just like an obstinate little kitten.

But the bigger boy’s smugness was quickly replaced with an eye roll, and to the redhead’s surprise, heclimbed up to the top bunk instead.

"Just get the bottom bed."


Sousuke explained with a subduedsigh, ” I didn’t say you could take the bottom bunk if you win. I win, so I’ll take the top bunk.”


"Or if you prefer the top bed-"

"Okay, fine, if you say so." Rin said finally, yawning. He jumped onto his newfound bunk and drifted himself to sleep.

"Night, Sou."

"Sweet dreams, Rin."

Later that night, at exactly 2AM as Rin recalled, he found somethingwarm leaning against his back. The redhead was frightened; he did experience snakes climbing onto his bed several times during his homestay in Australia after all. Just as he was about to scream, Rin felt a familiar arm slowly wrapping around his waist.

"Sou?" The redhead turned around only to find hisroommatebehind him, sleeping soundly.

"You scared the shit out of me, Sou," Rin smiled in relief, then chuckled softly. “If you want to share the bed, all you have to do is ask."

There came no reply; however, the sleeping male’s calm quiet breath felt hot against the redhead’s nape, attenuating his anxiety.

"Night, Sou. Sweet dreams."



It had been four months since the teens started dating. Evolving from best friendto lovers was a huge leap for both of them, therefore they both agreed to take things slow.

This would be their first night of becoming officially one. Their first night and they wanted to make it special. This was the crucial test to all the times they went out together, held hands and exchanged light kisses.

Sou pinned Rin down on the mattress and captured the smaller teen’s lips, kissing him with all his passion. Rin quickly complied; he wrapped his tender arms around Sousuke’s firm shoulder, held his bigger boyfriend close and kissed back just as vigorously. Heat rose as their tongues entwined, bodies wantonly clinging onto each other.

Eventually both teens broke off to take their breaths, a trail of saliva connecting their mouths. Rin was about to capture those firm lips against his own again whilst Sousuke just pushed him away and gave him a small peck instead.

“Sou, what’s wrong?” Rin asked, perplexed.

"Wait a sec," Teal eyes locked with ruby as the other teen spoke. "If we are going to do this, who’s going to top?"

"I don’t know," Rin chuckled. "How about I top this time and I let you do that next time?"

“Nuh-uh.” The raven just shook his head, “There’s absolutely no way I’m gonna let a crybaby top me.”

“What? I’m not a crybaby, you jerk,” The ill-tempered teen went on to pinch his boyfriend on the arm. He then let out a grunt. “Urg, I give up, let’s just settle this like we always do.”

"Well, if you say so…" Sousuke softly landed a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead.




Rock versus scissors.

"I won," The larger teen gave out a lewd smirk, teal eyes filled with lust.

"What?" Rin yelped either in surprise or slight fear, or even both. When the taller teen leaned down to him, the maroon-haired pushed his boyfriend away.

“Sou, please, you always let me win,” The redhead managed to let out a nervous laughter.“C’mon, lemme top this time. Athrowdown ain’t worth anybody’s ass.”

"Sorry, not this time," Sousuke smirked. He hoarsely whispered in Rin’s ear after giving it a small nibble. "Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle."

Liar. To Hell with you, bastard.




"What are our senpais doing so noisily in the middle of the night?" Momo drawled, his last words muffled in a big yawn.

"Dunno. But at least they’re more quiet than you are," Aiichirou replied with an annoyed grunt and a yawn. "Get back to sleep."

The sophomore then slipped back to his pillow and secretly grinned from ear to ear. He couldn’t wait to collect all the tapes in the morning.


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